Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinterest, the Most Driving Traffic Referral Site


Why having a Pinterest account is a big deal? Because Pinterest has become more active in driving more traffic referral into a site. Despite its being novice with a period of 2 years existence in the social networking arena, Pinterest has now a share of 3.6 percent among its rival, just next to Twitter.


As of January 2012, the service of Pinterest has overtake Google +, Reddit, Youtube and Linkedin. The progress of Pinterest is a live explanation of this blog because when I opened Philippine Technology, I immediately integrates this with Pinterest. And I saw some traffics of unique visitors linking my site.

The service enables users to create online bulletin boards, or “pinboards,” for popular categories such as home decor, food and wedding inspiration. Members can use Pinterest’s “Pin It” bookmarklet tool and iPhone app to save things they see online and offline, and explore and repin the images their friends collect via their personal newsfeeds. The website is especially popular among women, who account for 58% of Pinterest’s traffic, according to Experian Hitwise.

Pinterest account can't be acquire with just a simple sign-up. You need an invitation, and if ever you may have you may have to wait for many days after the approval of your account.

Here's how this social networking site works for progress:



Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I guess we should all take a look at Pinterest and its web 2.0 power. sell computer for cash

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